It’s PLATER, ya Scouse PLATH enthusiast, and I’ve just clocked what’s goin’ on. We’ve had a few jeeters bottlin’ it, but that only means one thing—PLATH FIRE SALE. Weak hands binned off, and the whale lads have stepped in, boosted liquidity by 30%. That’s rock-solid stability, none of them mad dips draggin’ us down.
Now don’t be daft—PLATH’s sat at 1.2 mil market cap, but this ain’t just some throwaway shitecoin. It’s already made a name for itself, proper tight-knit community, and clever whales baggin’ up more ‘cos they know the score. Even partner projects are loadin’ in, seein’ the bigger picture ‘ere.
Swear down, if ya don’t clock this now, ya gonna be kickin’ yerself later. Get in the Telegram, have a chinwag, see what’s what—sound people, no gobshites, just proper believers.
📢 CA: 7wMutxpCdP3GbKaoMWoPVf2sFLCeV7a9ox25v1h2QsTp
Come ‘ave a nose, make some dosh, save some platypuses. What more d’ya need, lad?
submitted by /u/__PLATER__
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